Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Attention (Mar. 16)

In the recent past it seems that doctors have become more keen on giving biological reasons for the lack of attention that kids are able to pay in given circumstances. There are even studies showing that the time for the average person to be able to stay focus one one particular thing is becoming shorter. There are people out there who strive to gain the attention of others by acting in particular ways and by the way that they dress. There are others out there that attempt to hide and actually become embarassed when they recieve attention. Why is there so much effort to explain and garner the attention of others? Why would some choose to shy away from such attention? In all the cases mentioned above it is a matter of training ones own ability to either be able to stay focused or to intentionally seek out attention. The world has increasingly become a place where one does not train themselves to pay attention causing those who seek attention to have to do more drastic things to garner attention. This is a problem that will not soon be solves but will ultimately have devistating consequesnces. And to think doctors and researchers are just giving the world excuses for why things are the way they are.

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