Monday, June 7, 2010

Conference (Jun. 5)

There are many ways to look at the idea of a conference. In sports you see it as a group of teams that play eachother more frequently than they do other teams. Perhaps in business it is simply a large meeting of like or like minded companies looking to better their practices. You even see the idea of the conference in religious organizations as well as a time to come together and grow as a larger group rather than an individual church. There is one unique idea that seems to happen at or within a conference. The simple fact is that a conference has its primary goal within its members to produce the best possible outcome forcing each member to be the best that it possibly can. Even in sports where you may hate the teams in your conference more than other teams, the goal that you have is to play the best you can against them forcing you and the other team to be at their absolute best. There may be instances where a conference has members that come and go but to simply allow a member of your conference to be less than its best is to let yourself become complacent. In order to be the best you have to align yourself with the best. It produces the challenge to become better, even if it means increased competition in the mean time.

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