Friday, April 30, 2010

Fine (Apr. 30)

The word fine is used in many interesting ways that on the one hand are completely unrelated but at the same time really make you think. First, one could use the word fine to describe how they are doing and you would think that things are alright but not all that great. Second, you could then use the supperlative to say that it is your finest hour and the meaning changes completely into being potentially the best moment in your life. Third, and perhaps the most crass use of the word, would be for someone to describe a member of the opposite sex as fine. In which case of course you mean, like the supperlative that the person you are talking about is very attractive. Fourth, and last for now, is the term fine being used to describe an amount of money you must pay as part of a penalty for something that you have done. One little word has been used to describe just about every possible level of emotion, or at least gets you to think about every possible level of emotion. From the low point of paying a fine, up through the alright to the absolutely amazing. The spectrum of one word is so large that it gives a little glimpse of the unreal.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Remember (Apr. 29)

There are certainly moments in your life that you are going to remember both good and bad. There are the things that you will want to remember and the things that you will not want to remember but either way there is some importance in remembering both. As time passes things will loose their importance and some of the details will fade. In the Jewish tradition there were certain events that were deemed so important that festivals were set up specifically to remember what happened. The tradition would be set up in such a way that the traditions and stories surrounding the event would be passed on from one generation to the next leaving very few details to pass away. Even for the smaller events in the Jewish tradition that one would want to remember, altars were set up, much like the monuments of today so that when one passed by they would ask about it and the story of that event could be told. What does the average person do in their lives to remember in this way? Most people do little or nothing. Tattoos have become something in modern society that people do to remember a certain event. Even cars are now adorned with stickers that say in memory of something or someone. These are important things to have and the more different ways we have of remmebering the better off we will be.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dirt (Apr. 28)

It seems that humans, to some extent have an incredible habit of being clean. And to those who are not clean you are looked at as a little bit lower on the ladder than those who do maintain that standard of cleanliness. The reality of cleanliness is that it seeks to eliminate dirt. Dirt. If you believe in the creation story found in the Bible it is Dirt itself that man is made of and Dirt that man's physical body will return to. Perhaps that is the reason that we fear dirt as much as we do. It somehow represents the end of life in an odd and twisted sort of way. We even go as far as taking those who have died and putting them back in the dirt. But dirt is really just dirt. It is part of the world and something that is inevitable. It has a unique way of finding the hidden places that make it hard to remove. It is really everywhere. Sure there are places, like in the home where dirt should be removed but dirt itself is here to stay. In a way it is the constant reminder of how precious life is. It is not something to cause fear but something to remind you to take the opportunities that come your way. At the end of a good day there should always be a little dirt that needs to be removed.

Shower (Apr. 27)

When we think of a rain shower outside we will have one of two reactions. Either you will be excited by the rain and want to go run around and play in it or you will be frustrated by it and find something to do inside to stay out of the rain. But when we think of taking a shower in our bathrooms the reaction is generally different. Some might see it as a necessary daily grooming requirement to make sure that you are not categorized by your body odor. Or you might find it as a time when you can simply relax and let the stresses of life melt away as the warm and sometimes hot water hits and drips down your body. Either way the shower looks for you it is still something that you do on a regular basis rather than being something that you either love or hate, run to or run away from. Both the inside shower and the outside rain shower are basically the same thing, water falling from above. The arguement could even be made that both have the same purpose, just targeted at a different being. See the inside shower is something that is refreshing to humans. The outside shower is rather the refresher to wild animals and plants that rely on the water not simply to be clean but to be alive.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Definition (Apr. 26)

It seems that a great deal of problem arises from a simple lack of definition. When people use words they have a particular meaning in mind. The problem with that is that someone may have a completely different idea of what something means. Perhaps the difference in definition is because one person never learned the real meaning of the word and only picked up the word in context that lacked clarity. In many cases there is a significant obstacle to overcome in relation to a different culture that may use the same word to mean something completely different. But definitions, even a part from these circumstances are not as clear as we would like them simply because we are forced to describe one word by using other words. This creates a circular form of argument in relationship to a definition leading to a complete lack of definition. The deeper you go in an attempt to describe one particular word will lead to a circular chase as you will be forced to describe every word you use in definition and then every word used in the following definitions, eventually leading back to the original word. This is the curse and blessing of language and a problem that will not too soon be solved.

Complex (Apr. 25)

There are a lot of details in the world that go unseen and unknown. Often times we go throughout life not seeing the details that must be there for even our own existence. The conclusion then is that life is way more complex than anyone could possibly imagine. If life seems simple the truth might be that you are going through life in ignorance. Now it may not necessarily be a bad thing to go through life ignorant but to be ignorant means that you are neglecting to look at truth in all the places that it exists. Scientists seem to be prideful with the fact that they are constantly searching for truth in the way things are. And it seems that everyday scientists are able to discover new truths in the universe. Even the scientists do not know all the complexities of the universe and the way they attempt to explain things are presented in theories, not truths. Let us try our best not to be ingnorant and use the minds that we have been given to find as many truths as we possibly can. Let us look and see the complexities of life and live in such a way that at the very least we acknowledge that life is complex.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Pain (Apr. 24)

Lets face the reality that life is going to be full of pain, both physically and emotionally. A lot of who we are and our character is thus determined by how we handle pain. Do you become someone who needs to be catered to when you experience pain? Do you ignore pain and let it build up until you cannot handle it anymore and then let it burst out all at once? Or perhaps you are the person to experiences pain, reflects upon it, sees how you might change things for the future and then move on, never fogetting but never dwelling on the pain that you have experienced. Everyone is different in how they handle pain but not everyone is healthy in the way they deal with pain. There will be times when everyone strays from the healthy way to deal with pain and different kinds of pain affect people differently. Still if one is looking for a way to improve who they are as a person pain and the way that they handle it certainly should be a starting point. Pain is unavoidable and how you handle pain reflects your character. It honestly is that important.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Failure (Apr. 23)

At some point in your life you will come across a situation that you must come to the conclusion that you are a failure. No matter how hard you try, or don't try, there will be something that doesn't work out quite the way you expected and you will have to admit that you failed. How one responds to such adversity has a great deal to say about their character. It is so easy to want to crawl into a hole or burry your head in the sand after admiting to failure but that response is only for the weak. Surely you have heard the phrase, "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." This phrase of course does not mean that you should continually run yourself into a brick wall. If Thomas Eddison has made his light bulb exactly like his first attempt everytime we would not have the light bulb today. Sometimes a failure is a chance to make a completely new start in a completely different direction and sometimes it is a matter of making a small adjustment and continuing on towards the original goal. But if you simply stop in the face of failure and let your fear continue to grip you after a failure, that failure will be the one and only accomplishment that you ever experience in life.

Chance (Apr. 22)

There are moments in life when you are offered an opportunity. It may seem that you would take a big risk by taking the opportunity and perhaps it will end in failure or perhaps it will lead to something great. There are very few opportunities in life that lead to something great where you will not be taking some kind of chance. There are plenty of calculations to be made along the way with the probability being different in every situation. One cannot simply think forever though. At some point a decision has to be made and one then must attack the opportunity head on with whatever the chance may be. If you take a chance and then do not attack it, there is a near certainty that the possible outcome involving failure will occur. If you take the chance and work hard however, there is a greater possibility of taking something that should be a failure and making it even greater than one could have possibly imagined. So, the next time you come accross a chance, what are you going to do? Will you pass on the chance simply because too many times in the past you have ended in failure or will you look at this chance and the opporunity that it is, the opportunity to make something great happen.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Knowing (Apr. 21)

To know something is a very interesting phenomenon. In the biblical language of Hebrew the verb that is often translated to know means a very intimate knowledge such that to know another person meant to have sexual relations with that person. You could not fully know someone without that being the case. To know a fact in a similar light seems to also incorporate that intimate nature. If you know, for instance, that strawberries are red you have had either some experience of a strawberry being red. There is a personal connection in the fact and who you are in order to know something. Many people think they know things but in reality do not know what they think they know. For instance you could know that apples are red, perhaps because all the apples that you ahve ever seen are red. Then one day you find what looks like an apple but it is green. If you know that apples are red then it could not possibly be an apple. But as you probably know there are apples that are green, yellow and red. In these examples knowing is based on experience, but one could claim that the way we experience thing relies on our own imperfect senses. If we cannot have certainty that our senses gather information in a correct way then we cannot rely on experience to honestly know something. But how else might you know something?

Aquaintence (Apr. 20)

Lets face the facts, there are a limited number of people in your life that you will be able to develop a good strong relationship with that will last over time. It will depend largely on both parties ability to communicate over long distance while maintaining the same level of closeness that is so hard to foster outside of close proximity. At the same time we should all be thankful for the other people in our lives that we will have a good relationship with while we are living in close proximity. They are still people that have a large influence in our lives and shaping us to who we are and who we will become. They are the people that we get out and do things with and the people that create some good memories in life but perhaps do not know every detail of how we think and what we like. At the same time they are the people that are there in the present to be present and in turn act as a present in our lives. Later in life there is always the chance that you will run into these people again and you will be able to catch up on life and where it has taken both of you and it will seem just like old times but the reality is that time and distance has not been the same as those other close friendships. Still it is so valuable to have the aquaintence in your life, you would be bored with out them.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Will (Apr. 19)

The will is a very interesting thing. That is of course the human will that seems to propel us into action. On the one hand it is very clear that we each have our own personal will that is unique to each individual and one that to a certain extent thrives on self preservation and personal desire, thus being completely selfish. Often times the will and actual occurance do not mirror each other, even when there are no other individuals to conflict with ones own personal will. One can certainly make the choice to give in to the will of another person and there are particular people out there with a will that would rather some other will tell them what to do, even down to the smallest details. The interaction of wills can be healthy and unhealthy on so many different levels that it seems nearly impossible to figure out how one might want to adjust their own will to a fine balance. While this certainly sounds complex and very detailed as to how the will works and how the will itself is what determines your personality, it really comes down to a very simple fact of making decisions. Each and ever decision you make, even down to the smallest ones are the actions of your will.

Concentration (Apr. 18)

Lets all be honest and admit that there are times in our lives that we seem to loose focus. There are several reasons as to why this happens. For one it could be that we simply do not care about the situation that we currently find ourselves in. In this instance our bodies nearly function without us actually thinking about what is going on. As a second option it could be that we are simply thinking too much about the future. See there is this innate desire to know what is coming next and we can simply loose focus on the present. Whatever the case might be, one of these options or one of several others, the loss of focus is one that is damaging to us in the present. In the midst of a conversation it is entirely impossible to say the right thing if you are thinking about something else and the person you are talking to can tell when you are not focused on the conversation at hand. The lack fo respect is damaging to the relationship and may not be repaired all that easily. Sure the future is something that is absolutely important but to loose the concentration on the present for the sake of the future may cause the future to be something less than even what you are thinking about the future in the present.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ash (Apr. 17)

Recent eruptions of a volcano in Iceland has sent large amounts of ash and steam into the atmosphere. The continuous eruption over an extended amount of time seems to be rather interesting and most unique in recent history. There are certain pictures of the ash from this eruption that are simply amazing. One video clip shows a truck in Iceland driving down a presumably paved roads but the reality is that it looks more like he is driving down a dirt road. Ash is this by product of the burning heat and is something that we see in simple things like a campfire. It is something that is unwanted but something that seems like we do not know what to do with it. There isn't even a really good answer as to how we get rid of it. It seems that there are things in life that create layers of ash over who we are. Years and years of work at a job that we do not like change us into someone other than who we are. Sure there is still the shape of who we are and maybe even visible specks of the real us where the ash has failed to settle. But what if we knew how to get rid of the simple ash that covers our life? If there was a simple way to wash ourselves and become who we really are. In everyday life we shower daily to get the dirt and ash off of our bodies, but what about the figurative ash that covers who we really are?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Drip (Apr. 16)

There is something about water that is so relaxing. Think about all the different ways that one has to use water in a relasing manner. From hot tubs to showers there are limitless possibilities. The weird reality of it though is that there is also forms of torcher that involve water. While the excess of water and being held under water is certainly dangerous, there is also the constant drip water torcher that exists. As it is in this country, there a limits as to what can be sold as a shower head. Only so many gallons are allowed to flow through per minute. But one has the ability to modify a previously purchased shower head in order to change the amount of water that comes through the shower head. Simply remove any limiting device and potentially drill a bigger hole through the tube and presto you have more water. But can there be too much water? Sure. Can there be too little water? Absolutely. It is hard to determine what the appropriate amount of water is. Sadly, in the event that someone is looking for that perfect relaxing moment with water, it is better to have too much than it is to have too little. Too much can be handled but the drip, leaving one wanting more is not something to shrug off too easily.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea (Apr. 15)

While the leaf that loves to enrich water to an incredible flavor with antioxidents and other healthy features is a wonderful thing, tea is also something that has garnered news stories on network television for a group of people that seem to want to nearly replicate one of the best events in US history, the Boston Tea Party. The whole premise of the original tea party was to protest the taxes being forced on tes imports into what would become the US. There was a serious lack of representation on behalf of those living in the Americas and as such they saw the tax as unfair. While there is certainly part of most people that are fed up with taxes in general today, the complaints of the modern day tea party are not nearly as legit as the original. Unfortunately they are represented and the new taxes that are seen today were forced upon them by those they elected, even if they did not vote for them. In this sense it is no surprise that this modern day group is being looked at by much of the world as extremists and a small faction of people who may just be crazy. Surly there are many more people that are frustrated with the current governement, they are choosing other options to voice their opinion, like the vote to come this fall. The best part of it all is that our governement allows for such movements and the day that the governement tries to squelch this tea party movement or any other movement is the day American's should truly fear.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Balance (Apr. 14)

As amazing as the human body is, it is surprisingly frustrating when things are not working as they should. There are many systems within the body that require a fine balance to work properly. Sometimes these processes require other systems to be producing chemicals at a very particular rate which can become out of balance. Doctors have found ways with medication to then help rebalance the body so that it once again functions properly. Balance itself though is a very fine edge to be walking. Think of instances in your own life when balance was required. Being off by even the slightest of margins would cause one to fall. Balance is not something that one can afford to just be close on, it is something that one has to have perfectly correct. Now take this idea and apply it to those situations in life when we talk about balance, either between work and social life or between family and friends or who knows how many other possible situations. It is a senario that makes life teeter on the edge of impossibility. The balance is so easy to upset and that small loss of balance could send things spinning into oblivian. Now think of the times you have needed to balance on smething and there has been someone there for you to hold onto. Instantly it becomes infinately easier to balance.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wake Up (Apr. 13)

We use alarm clocks to wake ourselves up at a particular time in the morning to get the day started and off to work or wherever on time. Yet it seems a common practice that some will set their alarms earlier than they need to simply so that they can hit the snooze button and potentially get a little bit more sleep. Clearly this is an instance of having to wake up even though one does not really want to. But, have you ever had the opposite senario happen where you are clearly asleep and you wan tto wake up but you cannot? Sure you can chalk it up to being a dream that you cannot wake youself up out of but it seems that there is a reality where the mind is hearing the alarm but the rest of the body continuously hits the snooze button forcing you back to sleep. Still what seems most amazing of all is the way one can set their internal clocks over time to wake up at particular times. See there are many times when people will wake up before their alarm goes off because somehow their body simply knows that it is time to wake up. Of these three scenarios one should be most thankful for this last position as it is by far the least disturbing and most comforting, even if you really do not want to wake up at that particular time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Money (Apr. 12)

There is this little thing that it seems you need to live in the world today, money. The funny thing is that the government thinks that most people do not know what to do with money when they have it and so they decide that they need to take it from you to start these programs that then give the money back to you for certain services or at a later point in your life. At the same time the government, and scientists for that matter, want to teach evolution in schools whereby we get the idea of survival of the fittest. It seems that the governement thinks that money is exempt from this scientific policy however otherwise the government would let you keep more of you money taking only what they absolutely needed to run the government, without all the programs that are basically telling you how to spend your money. Sure there would be more people who would end up homeless and on the streets and there would be a much larger strain on the medical facilities that we have, but that is merely a minor effect of letting people deal with the decisions that they make. In the end, it is only money and your life is not really dependent on money but on many other things.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Goofy (Apr. 11)

You know there are times in your life that you just want to bust out and make everyone laugh, not in an attempt to get them to notice you or focus on you but simply because you know life will be better for them because they are laughing. People generally get into goofy moods when they are tired or based on some other emotion that they are feeling and of course it is different for everyone and the results are almost as unique as the person as to how they act in response to this goofy mood. Perhaps one of the more interesting outpourings of this goofiness is the person who for whatever reason loves to speak or type really long sentences that are probably run-on sentences like you learned about in grade school but at the same time seem to be just perfectly fine as they enter your head because you cannot find the grammar mistake that they are making. In a sense though you know that the world would be a better place because you get this picture of the Disney character named goofy in your head and suddenly it hits you that if the entire world were able to find themselves in a goofy mood more often the world would be a much more fun place to live in and the world would most certainyl have fewer problems in it. Then again we could just all go to Disneyland or world or whatever your preference might be and hang around the guy himself who just seems to have life in the reight perspective of reality and just being who your are, the goofy person that you know you are.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mind Control (Apr. 10)

It is really amazing the way the body works. This is not the first time you have heard it and it certainly won't be the last. What is truly amazing is the way the body functions in a sense of doing what you tell it to do. Now, it isn't like you literally say to your arm, more from this position to that position and pick that up. In reality you probably do not even consider honestly thinking about the actions you perform most on a daily basis. But, as fast as a computer (and sometimes faster) your mind sends messages through your nervous system to move your body in the ways that you desire. There are even some natural reactions that your body will naturally perform, such as when you touch something hot, your hand moves away before your mind even gets the chance to think about it more often than not. This reaction is really proven to not be something of learned habit, though future ramifications of that incident will certainly make you more hesitant to touch something that may be hot. Sadly there are also instances in life when you feel like you are sending all the right messages to the right body parts to perform certain actions and the results seem to be lacking. It is almost like taking a baseball player and asking him to sew. He may have some idea at what to do but it just isn't going to be the same as a professional seemstress. It really makes you realize how difficult it is to live with a nervous system that isn't functioning properly. Your mind seems to loose all sense of control and things quickly slip through your fingers.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Numbers (Apr. 9)

You remember when you math teacher was forced to tell you in math class as you were growing up, "You need to learn math because it is impossible to live life without knowing basic math, math is everywhere." Who would have thought that they would be so right. It seems that math is certainly everywhere and the more you think about it the more places it seems to come up. Every activity you do, even sleeping has some number associated with it. Try living without numbers for a while and inevitably you will realize that whatever length of time you live without numbers is measured with a number. There are certain people in the world who may like numbers a little too much. The numbers become something to look at and analyze to the extent that their preparation becomes so detailed that they might just forget to live life and enjoy looking at their numbers. It is a good thing that there are people who like numbers, as one would not like to leave there money at a bank that didn't like numbers. So you may have to live every second of every day with numbers but just be glad that there is someone who likes numbers more than you do.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Preparation (Apr. 8)

There are certain events in life that you will want to spend some time preparing for. Even a simply car ride to work needs certain preparation for what is going to happen either during or after the ride. The act of preparation itself requires at least some preparation in the form of thinking before gathering needed items or whatever else it might be that needs to be accomplished before a certain activity is undertaken. It seems at times that it is easy to forget the preparation that you have worked so hard at before. Think of those instances that happen throughout your life where you enter a room and for some reason cannot remember why you entered the room. Sure it seems to happen more the older you get but it still happens. In the long run you have to remember that there is only so much you can do to prepare. The adventure of entering a room and trying to remember why you entered the room is usually far from the norm but is an example of the interesting adventure that can be had. You could spend all your time preparing and none of your time on the adventure or you could take the adventure and trust the preparation that you have done being flexible to adapt when you realize you forget something. It is atill an adventure.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nothing (Apr. 7)

Sometimes when you ask a guy what he is thinking about he will respond by saying nothing. Now, this consept may be particularly hard for females to grasp since they have a very difficult time thinking of nothing, but apparently becuase men have very compartmentalized brains it is entirely possible for them to think about nothing. The question is what kind of nothing are they thinking about? See on the one hand there is the nothing that is the lack of everything. This nothing is not a think in and of itself but rather happens when there is simply a lack of things. You could ask someone what is in the closet and they could respond that there is nothing in the closet because there are no clothes, shoes, coats, cleaning supplies or anything else in the closet. There is also the nothing that acts as something. It is still the lack of something but is not looked at as a something. This is the nothing that you can actualy have. Using the closet analogy, if someone rather were to ask what you have in the closet you could say that you have nothing in the closet. This is different than saying there is nothing in the closet in that on the one instance you are owning the nothingness inthe closet, where on the other hand you are simply stating the lack of things to posses in the closet.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mystery (Apr. 6)

Sure we all might enjoy sitting down and reading or watching a good mystery unravel in a story but why is it that there are certain mysteries we feel the need to unravel? When it comes to the stories there is always an end or a reveal at some point that satisfies the need to know but what would it be like if you could simply let the mystery be a mystery? Science, in essence, has always been about solving the mysteries of life and the way things work on our planet and in our universe. Science has become so prominent in this search for truth that in many circles science has become the end all be all of truth and knowledge, which cannot actually be proven scientifically. But it seems that this desire to know rather than to let something be a mystery in science has driven particular theories from a state of potential to a state of truth. In doing so, science has instead masked truth in such a way that it may be impossible to shed a theory for what is actually true as there is no mystery left. Scientists use logic in such a way that they claim not only to know all truth but to know all logic. What happens when we discover life on another planet that is even more intelligent than we are and has logical reasoning that contradicts our own? While the desire for truth is not wrong, why not live in such a way as to allow for the mystery to be present, thus leaving room for change and imagination.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Colors (Apr. 5)

When you look at a painting you begin to see the color choices that the artist made. Often times there is a great deal of blending that occurs and even layering of coloras in given instances. It is amazing to think of all the possible colors that one could use either in art or simply as a description of nature. Then to think that beyond the visible colors that we can see there are even more colors that exist. Some animals are said to not be able to see colors in the same way that humans do leaving one to ponder the question what colors do we not see. What do they really look like to someone who can see those colors. This is not taking an electronic devise and turning off filters and what not, but actually seeing these colors. What is even more amazing is that we are allowed to see the colors that we do see. Part of the wonder and amazement that humans find in nature is the amazing way that colors are what they are. Think of a sunset for instance, or even a rainbow. It really isn't the same thing without the color. The eye in the way that is accepts color and the brain in the way that it interprets color is simply amazing.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Rise (Apr. 4)

Have you ever taken the time to make bread and not in a bread machine but to actually make bread with your own hands? There is a period of time in which the bread must sit and rest, to a certain extent, during which time the bread rises. As the bread rises it becomes ever so much closer to the task of which it is meant to accomplish, that of becoming a loaf of bread. Similarly, it life man is set out to rise up to the task before them. An army must rise up together to defeat the enemy. A sports team must rise up together in order to win a game. Even in work you must rise up to the challenge of completing the assigned task. So what is the importance of this act of rising? It seems, in essence, that humans have this innate and built in desire to become something greater than they currently are and to completely accomplish this something must happen whereby they literally rise above where they currently are. The task is not complete until this act of rising has been accomplished.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tie (Apr. 3)

You can tie your shoes. You can tie a neck-tie. You can tie a ribbon around a present. But the one thing that seems to be worse than anything is a tie in sports. It is like kissing your brother. Yet, it seems to be something that most sports tolerate to some extent. Even in professional football it is possible for a game to end in a tie. But it is funny that most sports when they are played in the USA will not end in a tie. Then you go just about anywhere else around the world and some of the very same sports will be allowed to end in a tie. No one likes a tie any more or less anywhere around the world, but it seems the rest of the world seems to have found a way to cope with the sublime tie that is like swapping spit with someone you would never want to do just that with. In the USA it becomes okay to let the game end in a tie because there is always overtime. Elsewhere, when overtime is not in the rule book, the very end of the game becomes ever so more important because the last thing that you want is a tie and there is less time to change that outcome from happening. When it is put that way, it seems almost more important to be willing to let a game end in a tie. It will make you fight harder to not let it happen.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Joke (Apr. 2)

One of the things you learn to do as a kid is tell jokes. See they are the quick little stories that make us laugh through their imaginative use of word or situation. It can also turn into a practicle joke where there is some action taken against a friend to see their reaction. Unfortunately there is a line that seems to get blurred and crossed all too frequently. See no matter what the situation or story there are times when a joke may offend or put someone in a situation that could cause damage to the relationship. Most of us know that this is the case and that the joke is not intended to hurt but the possibility of hurt is there. It makes it tough when you see some comedians these days who for a living tell jokes, most of which seem to cross those lines and often at the expense of perfect strangers. But you are put in a place where you need to stand up and be the better person. So go ahead, find those stories to tell that will make people laugh but be careful that these stories are not going to hurt those listening. The idea is to laugh rather than cry or get angry.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fools (Apr. 1)

There are far too many people in this world that one cannot help but classify as a fool. It is not simply falling prey to a practicle joke or making mistakes but simply living life in such a way that wisdom seems to just fly out the door if it was ever present in the first place. It starts with small things and really shows a lack of thinking. It is almost like the person who says they are just going to try the most adictive drug in the world once figuring there is no way that they will ever do it again. Certainly that exact situation would have to be a step that is further down the road but surely shows one to be a fool. In witnessing these moments of being a fool it simply leaves you saying, "Wow, that person is just bad at life." The scarry part is that the person who is the fool will never know that they are one or even think that their actions might be foolish until it is far to late to change. Is it possible that the world could be changed if, from an early age, wisdom was something that one could not escape learning. The reality is that the mere possibility of this is so obscure that this world is destined to be labeled the home of fools.