Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Found (Jun. 16)

It seems that most people at some point in their lives loose something or misplace something and set off into a search to find something. And then in that moment when what was lost becomes found when a feeling of excitement and relief just seems to flow through the body. It is this moment of being found which is something so good that it makes life so good and so amazing. When you feel that life is missing or that you have lost the life with which you live, it puts you in a spot where you completely lack that sense of being found. See loosing you life and the spirit with which you live it is detrimental to you health and quite literally puts you in a place where there is no chance of being able to live the life as if you are found. The good news is that if you are lost there is a process by whcih you can go through life in an attempt to find yourself. To sit around and remain lost is not where you want to be, even if you feel comfortable, becoming who you are is far more important and will allow you to live life with that similar feeling to finding that lost item and the reality is that in a sense you have found yourself giving cause for that feeling.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alone (Jun. 15)

While everyone is built differently and desire certain amounts of social time and other amounts of alone time. There are certain people that somehow survive on very little alone time but there is still a need for time alone. When you are alone you have time to think of things that you do not normally think of. Thoughts are capable of going deeper than they normally would. But see this is something that can also be dangerous which is why one should not have too much alone time. What is more interesting is that even though a good amount of alone time is good, there is still a desire to return to places where one will not be alone. It shows the truth in the fact that humans are social creatures, in much the same way the other animals live in packs and herds. So, the point is simply this, take your alone time and make the most of it. Do not neglect it because being alone scares you or because you have some other aversion to being alone, there is some great value, but do not let the alone time hold you there away from the reality of being a socail being in need of fellowship with others. There is a fine line to being alone and one must learn to walk it wisely in order to become a better and growing person.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Waiting (Jun. 14)

It seems like we are always waiting for something to happen. Perhaps you are sitting down in front of your computer reading this now and thinking that you are simply waiting around for something amazing to happen. You have been watching too many epic movies and just dreaming on the day that your epic story will take place. Perhaps you could care less about the epic story and yet you find yourself waiting in line getting ready to order your favorite burger and fries. Then there is the waiting that you would rather not be doing, the waiting in your car as you are stuck in traffic or at that light that takes forever to change, even with no cars coming from any other direction. Weather it is the small things or the big things, life requires that you spen time waiting. It is imparitive that you maters the art of waiting because you will have to do it. Are you the type that gets frustrated and complains because the world isn't revolving around you? You will have a hard time going through life because you are going to be a downer of a person at every instance when you are waiting. Are you the person that enjoys finding the simple humor in everyday life and then point it out to the people around you and perhaps you are the person that really doesn't care what other people thing of you so you sing and dance with huge gestures as you are waiting for the next subway car. Life is full of waiting and how you decide to pass your time waiting is important not only to your own personal happiness but potentially the happiness of those around you as well.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fanatic (Jun. 13)

Sports are an interesting thing that really brings out a unique side in the individuals who follow any given sport. Before sports the meaning of fanatic or describing someone as fanatical was probably not something that was taken lightly or in good nature. The reality though is that the fanatical spirit for a sports team has become something to be proud of, something to fight for and something that makes the individual do weird things that would not happen under normal circumstances. Think about the people who paint their faces the colors of their favorite teams or the people that go even further and paint their entire upper bodies. Sometimes gathering with a group of friends to spell out the name of their favorite team. While the actions themselves taken in general everyday circumstances are defiantely fanatical, in the realm of sports these actions are nothing more than the norm. It seems odd that with a certain context certain actions are allowed and then not allowed at other times. Perhaps the reality is that fanatical is something one should strive to do more in their lives with the things, other than sports, that someone is passionate about.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Symptoms (Jun. 12)

Doctors and other medical staff do an incredible job of visually checking over a person and taking note of what appears to be wrong but also listening to what a patient will tell them about the symptoms that they have in order to make an accurate assesment of what is or might be wrong. The symptoms themselves are a very interesting phenomenon that is often ignored as one chooses not to listen to what their own body is telling them. Often times the symptoms act as signs to point out the bigger problems that are wrong and some of the symptoms are not apparent immediately as the body has a natural response to minimize pain in an attempt to help heal itself. Symptoms act as a means by which one can not only judge the severity of a problem but also where in the healing process the body is at based on the current and past symptoms. In many ways they are like road signs, when you see them and follow them you will eventually end up at your destination but when you choose to ignore the symptoms, getting to where you need to be can be rather hard. At least when you are driving you know what your destination is where the symptoms are merely pointing you to the destination that you hope to discover at some point down the road.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Senses (Jun. 11)

There are exactly five senses that are common to find amongst human beings. These senses are what help us take in the world around us and then interpret what exactly is going on in the world. Sight is an important sense that lets one see in images what is going on in the world. Smell takes the sents of objects around them and gives them a particular aroma to go with an object. Sounds are interesting in that they could draw our attention to a particular object based completely on a non-visable wave traveling through the air. Taste is usually something that one associates with food but in reality everything tastes a particular way. And last is touch by which we can feel objects and the particular qualities related to the surface and composition of the object. Together we get a complete picture of an object that is not something any one of the senses can let us know on its own. When one sense is lacking it is often true that the other senses that are working are heightened but inevitably there is still an incomplete picture of anything that one precieves because there is no understanding of something that could possibly be understood. Of course one will be left at a point where you must question your senses and ask if they are giving you accurate information by which to precieve the world in which you live.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fun (Jun. 10)

Every child simply wants to do things during the day that they deem fun. Adults know that in order to get to the activities that they consider fun there is a great deal of work behind it. Perhaps the adult will work a job that they do not like or perhaps they will do a job which they consider fun but have to deal with aspects of that job that are not so much fun. In general we all really want life to be fun. Fun is something that is not very clearly defined however and is perhaps more of the attitute with which things are done. The most menial job could be fun if one takes the time to see the bits and pieces of the job that are fun or that they can make fun. Fun is also something that can be tied to the struggle in much the same way that a job you do not like leads to fun. Take relationships for instance. There are defiantely going to be struggles in any kind of relationship and there will be times when you disagree and times when you want to understand but you just can't. All of this confusion and all of the struggle to get through these things are part of what makes a relationship fun. If these things did not make the relationship fun then you would not persue the relationship any further. So, in all that you do and in all the ways that you live life, take time to look for fun and strive to make things that appear to be lacking fun all the more fun.