Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Signature (Jun. 7)

There is something truly unique about a signature. It is something that is so a part of a person that it is usually the one thing about them that you will remember and is also used as a means of identification. If you are just signing you name on a piece of paper it still holds true to being something truly unique and you. Doctors are known to have signatures that are particularly messy and many other people have a truly unique signature that says something about who they are. But the real signatures that we should think about are those that are more defined by our personality and the manurisms that you do on a daily basis. These sorts of manurisms come out in many different ways and usually in group settings but are not limited to just those occasions. They portray a particular kind of person and usually one that you want other people to see you as. They are often influenced by the people that are around you and their particular manurisms that you pick up on. Your signature will say a lot about who you are and the enviornment that you spend a lot of time in. It is not something that you may know that you have control over, but you really do. To some extent if you start hanging around the type of people that you want to become, your signature will slowly become more and more like you may want it to be. Likewise you can also make who your are, your signature something completely hideous by not being in the right place or striving to be what you really want to become.

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