Saturday, June 12, 2010

Symptoms (Jun. 12)

Doctors and other medical staff do an incredible job of visually checking over a person and taking note of what appears to be wrong but also listening to what a patient will tell them about the symptoms that they have in order to make an accurate assesment of what is or might be wrong. The symptoms themselves are a very interesting phenomenon that is often ignored as one chooses not to listen to what their own body is telling them. Often times the symptoms act as signs to point out the bigger problems that are wrong and some of the symptoms are not apparent immediately as the body has a natural response to minimize pain in an attempt to help heal itself. Symptoms act as a means by which one can not only judge the severity of a problem but also where in the healing process the body is at based on the current and past symptoms. In many ways they are like road signs, when you see them and follow them you will eventually end up at your destination but when you choose to ignore the symptoms, getting to where you need to be can be rather hard. At least when you are driving you know what your destination is where the symptoms are merely pointing you to the destination that you hope to discover at some point down the road.

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