Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Found (Jun. 16)

It seems that most people at some point in their lives loose something or misplace something and set off into a search to find something. And then in that moment when what was lost becomes found when a feeling of excitement and relief just seems to flow through the body. It is this moment of being found which is something so good that it makes life so good and so amazing. When you feel that life is missing or that you have lost the life with which you live, it puts you in a spot where you completely lack that sense of being found. See loosing you life and the spirit with which you live it is detrimental to you health and quite literally puts you in a place where there is no chance of being able to live the life as if you are found. The good news is that if you are lost there is a process by whcih you can go through life in an attempt to find yourself. To sit around and remain lost is not where you want to be, even if you feel comfortable, becoming who you are is far more important and will allow you to live life with that similar feeling to finding that lost item and the reality is that in a sense you have found yourself giving cause for that feeling.

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