Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow (Feb. 8)

Have you ever taken the time to just watch the snow fall? It does not fall like rain which find terminal velocity before hitting the ground, and it is not like hail that tends to melt away soon after reaching the ground. Snow takes its time to meander through the air being pushed in all different directions as it falls. It floats around taking the air currents as they come even gaining altitude at times. It resembles the sail on a ship being carried by the breeze and using it to its own advantage. Eventually when the snow does reach the ground or its initial resting place high in a tree, it stacks in a unique way remaining separate and soft. Even when packed together with its flake friends it remains unique. But even as it rests it remains in a place where its destination could be changed but a simple gust of wind. There is something truly amazing about snow, so peaceful and so wonderous to watch but I cannot help but think that it seems to resemble the way life could be.

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