Thursday, May 6, 2010

Conclusions (May 6)

Recently in the news there was a story about a group of scientists who had taken some bone from the skull of what was apparently a neandrathal. They were able to extract some DNA from the crushed up bone scrappings that they had taken and compared it to that of present day human DNA finding a gene that matches some humans. Of course the conclusion in the field of science must be that evolution is true and present day humans evolved from these neandrathals. Unfortunately this conclusion is completely based on speculation and not at all on the facts that were actually discovered. There are several other possibilities like the real possibility that there was another species related to humans and monkeys that is now extinct. This conclusion has a much higher possibility of being true as it is a much simpler explination that requires less proof. This proof of course is missing in the evolutionary theory. The reality is that msot of the conclusions made today by any party is made through a particular worldview that shades the truth to ones own particular beliefs. It is not just a phenomenon found in science, though it is vividly apparent in the field of science. The wise are the ones who may come to conclusions, by means of occam's razor or otherwise, but allow for the possibility of being wrong. It is not to say that one should question everything that they do believe but simply that they seek out good data and good philosophical understanding of what they actually believe and allow for other truth, data or even opinion to be shared within the realm of potentially being the real conclusion. It is being willing to take the responsibility to provide reasons for what they believe in relation to other beliefs expecting the same in return. When we allow conclusions to be in the realm of theory rather than fact, we do a great service to the world in which we live.

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